Skambidt – Dødsvision out 29th Jan. 2021

It’s a great pleasure to announce the 2nd release from the Copenhagen based, Skambidt.
The upcoming release, DØDSVISION (EP), will be released digitally on Skambidt´s bandcamp page that exclusively includes the bonus track, Bidsår. DØDSVISION will also be available on all major streaming services as well, but without the bonus track. More info about Skambidt and Dødsvision below.

DØDSVISION is the 2´nd official release from the Copenhagen based, Skambidt. This release mix together ingredients from the debut album, Galskab, and new abstract and dark sonic elements. A wide and deep audio soundscape that blends dark ambient and experimental electronics created with modular synthesizers and other analog equipment.

The result is an eerie and organic electronic release that is focused on dynamics and expression to tell a dark but yet captivating story. DØDSVISION, was composed, recorded, mixed, produced and mastered at Vicious Studios, a WW2 bunker, by Kivig himself during the Covid19 pandemic in 2020.

Skambidt (Danish for “Savaged”) was founded in 2018 by Lars Kivig who has been a highy active figure in the Copenhagen underground scene since 1997. Kivig is the synth-man and 24 year member of the Danish, instrumental music-noir band, My Beloved. Kivig is also the founder of the experimental, Acorn Falling that includes collaborations with amongst others, The Bad Seeds drummer, Thomas Wydler and Tuxedomoon’s Peter Principal. In 2011, Kivig performed live with Acorn Falling at Roskilde Festival and the same year performed live with Joe Budenholtzer’s Backworld at WGT in Leipzig.

Releases January 29, 2021

Music and production by Lars Kivig at Vicious Studios
Coverart by Fred Tschepp
Cover by Lars Kivig

A Vicious production
A Vicious release

The release is a collaboration between
Vicious Studios & Records – and
Tinnitorturous –

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